Head Over Heels demonstrates a jig kicks sequence with a cross-over step. This Jig Kicks with a Cross-Over enables you to do the basic jitterbug. Do one full basic and then get your footwork on the sa ...
Head Over Heels demonstrates a tuck turn variation for swing dance. This Tuck Turn Variation is the eight count version. Follow along as the dancers guide you through the steps. Swing dancing is fun t ...
Tracy and Kelley from Head Over Heels demonstrate the Jumping Jacks swingout variation. This is a basic step in swing dancing. This is good to transition into Jive dancing and other swing variation of ...
Tina and Mike from Head Over Heels demonstrate the Tunnel jitterbug dance figure. This is a beginner move for Jitterbug dancing. The Jitterbug is a swing dance variation. ...
Head Over Heels demonstrates the Left-Right turn with a kick-ball-change variation for boogie woogie dancing. This is a basic dance move for swing dance variation boogie woogie. This is similar to jiv ...
The Wurlitzer move starts off man's left hand to ladies right hand. This is another Modern Jive dance moves from DanceYourselfDizzy.com It is a beginner move in modern jive swing dancing. ...
Dance the Teapot Stir beginners modern jive move. First, start off man's left hand to ladies right hand. Learn Modern Jive dance moves from DanceYourselfDizzy.com ...
Learn the Hatchback First jive dancing steps in swing dance. Start off man's right hand to ladies right hand. This is a modern jive dance move from Dance Yourself Dizzy. ...
Here's a weekly on-line Modern Jive dance lesson from Dance Yourself Dizzy. This is a two part step by step from the man's perspective showing the steps in lead during basic modern jive dancing. Jive ...
Learn the basics of the big-band era, and get ready for a jazzy night on the town! You will need a dance partner, a sense of humor and endurance. Swing dancing tip: Open position means standing and fa ...